Booking Through Thursday – Would You Lie?

Booking Through Thursday

Q: Two-thirds of Brits have lied about reading books they haven’t. Have you? Why? What book?

A: Ummmmm! I like this question. I’m generally pretty up front about the books I’ve read and haven’t. For example for one of my book groups I just couldn’t finish Suite Francais. I got so bored that I couldn’t finish the second part (Sorry to those that liked it). Of course I fessed up, and I wasn’t bothered about finding out the end so it didn’t spoil my book group that time. However I have to admit that I may have stretched the truth a leetle bit with The BBC 100 Books Challenge, where I highlighted 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I did in fact read half of but got a bit fed up after the first bit which I found enjoyable. So I guess that takes my fabulous 51 to fabulously fib free 50. I wonder, will we all feel so much better after our confessions?

Have you ever lied about a book you haven’t read?

15 responses to “Booking Through Thursday – Would You Lie?

  1. Oh, confessions are good for the soul.
    I read that somewhere – honest 🙂

  2. justabookreader

    100 Years of Solitude – I stopped reading this one after 60 pages. I decided I didn’t feel the need to suffer to. 🙂

  3. I lied during school but as for personal read…I haven’t. And just like you, I always tell the truth if I don’t enjoy certain book

  4. I find Gabriel Garcia Marquez incredibly boring.

  5. Seems only fair to count numerous attempts as reading it right? LOL

  6. A little stretching is good for the truth! Isn’t it?

  7. Well you know I have once, or maybe twice, but we will gloss over that. I do like you half lied hahaha made me giggle!

  8. It’s hard to remember which books I only went 3/4 of the way through or even 1/2 of the way through, or maybe finished. So if I say I read a book but forgot if I went through it all or only 2/3 of the way, then…? Some books are so well known, makes me wonder at times – did I finish that or not? But have never said I read a book that I have never even opened.

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